Naritia Collins
Wellness Director
I started my first job as a CNA when I turned 18 years old at a skilled nursing facility in Fresno, CA. That is where I inherited the nickname “Nene” from my residents. I continued my employment with the company for many years until I was promoted to the Administrator position.
I moved back to Sacramento, CA to further my career. I was hired at an ARF as House Lead working with persons who suffered from developmental disabilities and behaviors. I stayed with the company for approximately 1 year before I was then promoted to ARF Administrator. It was an amazing experience and opportunity for me but after staying with the company for many years, I felt like there was something missing.
The opportunity then presented itself for me to become the Wellness Director for Oakwood Village. Although I do not know everything about the company, I am very exhilarated to be a part of the team. We have an awesome team and I am looking forward to the wonderful experiences that are headed my way with Oakwood Village.